What are the DANCETONED ‘Levels’?

Each section has a level and title to help you understand what you are doing in that day's workout. The levels are from 1-5. Level 1 being the easiest and level 5 being the most difficult.

We like to think that beginners should be doing Level 1 and Level 2. Intermediate should be doing Level 2, 3 and 4. Advance users should be doing Levels 3, 4 and 5. It’s important to note that this isn't a hard rule. Even advanced users will want to do levels 1 and 2 in between harder sections and use them as recovery sessions.

If you are new to working out you can start at level 1 and slowly you will find yourself getting stronger and more toned. As things get easier you will naturally be drawn to more difficult workouts. Equally if you are advanced you may want to lower the level from time to time to work on form, get over a jury or to take some recovery time just before a Next Level Challenge.

Challenges are usually released in 3 levels. Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. It's the sections in each workout that makes a challenge easier or more difficult. In general Beginner challenges are usually made up of level 1 and 2 sections, Intermediate levels 2, 3 and 4. Advanced Challenges are usually level 3, 4 and 5.

Our beginner challenges are called Startup and our advance are called Next Level.

Startup is always Green, The main challenge is always Blue and Next Level is always Red.

When a new Challenge is released we always start with the Intermediate level. This is because most people will be working at this level and the beginning of any challenge is always easier than at the end. Once an intermediate challenge has been completed we launch the Next Level and Startup courses.

Startup Challenges are there for people who are new to working out and want to go at their own pace and may complete multiple startup challenges before starting a full intermediate challenge. Next Level is for advance members only and should only be taken if you are in peak form.


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